Lose Weight Fast Blogger
Lose Weight Fast Tip: If you are finding it hard to lose weight due to an overactive thyroid or if you have problems with low metabolism, try taking 2 to 3 teaspoons of pure extra virgin coconut oil to help speed up your weight loss. Using coconut oil for weight loss, works like a charm. When I started adding pure extra virgin coconut oil to my daily diet, it not only increased my metabolism, thus helping to burn fat, but it also helped regulate my thyroid gland, giving me TONSSSS of extra energy. When taking the coconut oil, you still need to count your calories. So don't go overboard with it. 2 teaspoons per day worked for me. And I normally took it first thing in the morning before I went on my morning walk or jog. I do have to warn you... And this is funny now, but it wasn't so funny when it happened. When I noticed that the coconut oil was really working, I got teaspoon happy. Instead of taking 2 teaspoons, I took 4. The problem is that the 4 teaspoons worked like a laxative. Kept me in the restroom ALL DAY.... So you've been warned. Don't take too much because it WILL give you the runs. You can get pure extra virgin coconut oil from most health & nutrition stores, as well as through Amazon. The brand I personally used was NaturesWay. It's creamy and has a non-overbearing coconut flavor. I know of others who liked the Nutiva brand. Whatever brand you get, make sure the label reads PURE EXTRA VIRGIN COCONUT OIL. I personally preferred the organic kind. Lastly, don't forget to also add 2 Skinny Fiber capsules per day for even faster weight loss. I'm not just a Skinny Fiber distributor, I'm also a customer. #See Ya On The Skinny Side#

Lose Weight Fast Blogger
​​Lose Weight Fast Tip: You've heard it said over and over again that you should eat several small meals per day when trying to lose weight. For the longest time, I decided that I KNEW
BEST... So instead of eating 5 small meals a day, I would... skip meals. I felt that by skipping meals, I would lose weight faster. One day last year, I decided to try the 5 meals per day thingy. And guess what? IT WORKED!!! The weight begin to melt off a whole lot faster.There is a SCIENCE behind it. When you eat a small meal every 2 to 3 hours throughout the day, it revs up your metabolism. Because your metabolism is going around the clock, you end up losing weight faster. So if you are skipping meals to lose weight, STOP IT!!! You are doing more harm than good. To lose weight even FASTER, take 2 Skinny Fiber pills twice per day. To get your 30 day supply bottle of Skinny Fiber, click the "Get Skinny Body" tab at the top of the page. And remember, I'm not just a Skinny Fiber distributor, I'm also a customer.

Lose Weight Fast Blogger
I lost weight by constantly challenging myself to go further. When I first started loosing weight back in September of 2012, I was doing it by walking. I decided I was going to get up off the couch and start walking 2 1/2 miles per day. After walking 2 1/2 miles 5 days per week for several weeks, my body wasn't feel the burn anymore. My muscles were not working as hard because they had gotten used to my workout routine. So what did I do? I challenged myself to get the burn back. I decided to increase my walking distance. Each day, I would walk a few blocks further, eventually working my way up to 5 miles per day. That's when I really started to lose weight fast.  And even though I was loosing weight at a rather rapid pace, I still decided to  challenge myself even the more. After walking 5 miles per day 5 days per week for a few months, I decided I wanted to start running. I knew that if I was losing that much weight just by walking and watching my calories, I would lose even more by running. Plus I used to be a runner in my college days, but strayed away from it.

To take on the challenge of running, I started using this free app called C25K (Couch to 5K).  Basically, the C25K app helps you go from couch potatoe mode to running a 5 k within a short 9 week timeframe. When I started using C25K, I started off slow jogging for 30 seconds at a time. I would run for 30 seconds and walk for 2 minutes. After doing this for a couple of days, I would start running for 60 seconds and walk for 1 1/2 minutes. And I kept doing this, until I was running for 3 straight miles non-stop.  By becoming a runner, my legs and butt started to tone up. Even though I was running at a turtle pace, from the beginning, I felt like superwoman. Running encouraged me. It made me feel like I can do I could conquer the world.  And the more I challenged myself, the more the weight fell off. So I encourage you to start off slowly. But as you progress along your journey, don't become complacent with doing the same old routine. Change it up. And as you do, you will notice even quicker weight loss. Click here to get more free weight loss tips and advice.

Lose Weight Fast Blogger
I lost weight by changing my mindset. sounds simple enough. But honestly, it's one of the hardest things to do. I had to change my mindset about my top priorities in life. Being so busy writing, acting and being a mom, I always said I didn't have time to work out. I didn't have time to exercise or stand over a hot stove cooking healthy meals. Well...after my grandmother and mother passed, I finally realized that I didn't have time NOTTTTT to do those things.  I realized that if taking care of myself did not become a top priority, my time on this earth would run out sooner than I 
wanted it to, due to health related issues. loose weight, I started changing my priorities. I made it a point to schedule my exercise. I made up my mind that my workout was important enough to put on my calendar. It was important enough for me to set an alarm so that I'm not sleeping when I am supposed to be working out.  Working out became my first job. Everything else became second priority. I lost weight by changing my mindset about how I look at food. Instead of living to eat, I decided I was going to eat to live.  I
changed my vocabulary. I am a strong believer that our life and circumstances are a direct reflection of the words we speak out of our mouths.  This also rings true when it comes to loosing weight. So...I stopped saying things like "I
love chocolate" or "I have a bad sweet tooth." I stopped saying "I'm addicted to Dr. Pepper." Why? Because as long as I kept speaking those words into the atmosphere, they held power over me. As long as I kept speaking those words into the atmosphere, I was unknowingly impeding my weight loss progress. I was hanging myself with my own words. So what did I do? Whenever I was tempted to say, "I love chocolate," I would say the exact opposite, "I hate chocolate." Instead of saying "I have a bad sweet tooth," I would say "I can't stand sweets." Did saying these words cause me to immediately stop eating and drinking things I knew were bad for me? Absolutely NOT!!! As a matter of fact, sometimes I would be saying "I hate sweets" while at the same time shoving down a twinkie. But each time I heard myself speak those words, I was conditioning my mind to believe them. And if you keep conditioning your mind to believe something, you will eventually start acting on what you believe.

Once you change your mindset about losing weight, half the battle has already been won. So my challenge to you today is to change your mindset. If you change your mindset, you can change your life. It's a process, but I believe in you. If I can do it (and I did) you can do it too! Let's go!!!  Click here for more free weight loss tips & advice.